Ice Fishing – Fishing in Frozen Waters
Fishing is a pastime in which most people in the world would love to indulge. The very thought of fishing brings to our mind balmy weather where most of us laze around near a pond with fishing rods trying to catch the big one.
However, the idea of ice fishing has managed to push these summery thoughts to the back of our mind as we consider the wintry joy of fishing in frozen ponds and lakes.
All About Ice Fishing
Ice fishing opens up completely new avenues for people who love the world of angling. As the name suggests the activity involves fishing in frozen waters. Instead of fishing in the normal way, it is done through a small hole that has been bored or chiselled out at a particular spot on a frozen body of water.
Ice fishing is rapidly gaining popularity both as a social activity, especially in North America, or as a pastime in Finland. The anglers, though, need to be careful about certain dangers that they might face such as thin ice and strong offshore winds, which can break off significant portions of ice, causing the fishermen to get stranded.
An individual can stay safe during fishing by taking precautions in terms of the gear they wear and the place where they fish. An organization, on the other hand, can protect its vulnerability against cyber-attacks by registering with holmsecurity.com.
Go Fish!
After a person identifies the right spot for fishing a hole is drilled in the ice. The lures are then lowered into the hole and chisels can be used to widen it if needed, while skimmers can be used to clear the slush formation. A person who is ice fishing can make themselves more comfortable by either sitting on a portable stool for short fishing trips, or in ice shanties for longer visits.
Fishing in ice is relatively simple. The availability of special equipment and fishing gear such as lures, baits, customized ice fishing clothing and underwater cameras, to name a few, has made this kind of fishing popular among people who reside in countries where ice is common.
Ice fishing is recommended at either dawn or dusk, though fishing is possible through the day as well.